Monday, January 24, 2011

IndiRank's Talk

Showing Seventy and Nine
like the oldest of the wine
it glared from the page
like a bird free of cage
I opened a tab : facebook
posted it for everyone to look
Like a naughty second grader she said
" At 79, I should have been more paid"
I did not know what it meant
"Post more , increase my tent"
"oh " I said , "Sure , why not"
"good" , next time I will be more than you got".

PS : For my newly increased Indirank which hid somewhere for almost 2 months and has come home glorified and with achievement.


  1. Hehe ,

    Yeah I also see that today , but if you goto indiblogger you will see why you have get a lift.

    I was rank 59 before now 76. So its good to see , but it happens quite often ranks fluctuates a lot .. ;)

  2. Hey :)
    Congrats on your rank. I had no clue about this concept until I saw my e-mail this morning.

  3. Hi
    landed on this site via the Indiblogger

    liked the poem

    warm regards
    UIDAI Tenders – Should funds move in Paper Mode or Electronic Mode ?

  4. congrats for the rank...spontaneity is d beauty of ur poem :)

  5. congrats for the rank...spontaneity is d beauty of ur poem :)

  6. nice way to tell about ur rankings....
    keep writing.... pour ur heart out here... u will certainly get much more next time.. all the best
    ”poor sanyiaa”

  7. hi Poorvi, thanks for adding me on indinetwork. Am still going through your posts - will come back for more. :)
